How we are helping

Case Studies

How DQPro Helped Markel Instil Data Accountability Globally
HOW DQPRO HELPED MARKEL INSTIL DATA ACCOUNTABILITY GLOBALLY The Challenge: As a truly diversified global insurer writing over $9.3B of premium globally, Markel faced a

Transforming How Reinsurers Monitor Treaty Contract Data At Scale
The Challenge: Reinsurers receive large tranches about the risks they insure from both brokers and ceding insurers. Much of this data is complex and loaded

How DQPro Helped AEGIS Improve Their EPI Monitoring In Less Than One Quarter
The Challenge: With complex insurance risk comes complex data and multiple points of data intake – from brokers, coverholders, online platforms and market messaging. Checking
Use cases
DQPro is a highly flexible tool with multiple use cases. Contact Us to find out more
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