10 Questions with Sarah Hilton
This month Sarah Hilton is celebrating her nine year anniversary working at DQPro and was recently promoted to Head of Customer and Delivery. This title recognises the excellent work Sarah has been doing in overseeing CS, Product Delivery and Customer Onboarding at what has been a very busy time for us. In this Q&A interview, she gives some insights into her role, highlighting some of her achievements and goals as well as delving into a few other light-hearted snippets about what makes her tick inside and outside the workplace.
- Tell us a bit about yourself…do you still remember your first day at work?
I have worked at DQPro for nine great years this March and I remember my first day like it was yesterday. DQPro was my first job after moving to London; I was terrified and was overcome with imposter syndrome. I have never looked back though – it’s a great place to work.
2. What is the best perk you have ever enjoyed at your job?
That is so hard to answer – there have been so many! Most of my colleagues would agree that our excellent team trip to Barcelona last year was an incredible experience and one which highlighted our “one team” philosophy and approach.
3. What is your proudest achievement while working at DQPro?
Delivery of our 1.16 market standard release was an important milestone for me. On the surface it was a great customer-focused release, but behind the scenes we completely changed our ways of working and implemented significant change. I was proud to see the outcome of the changes we implemented, and how much of a success it was in a relatively short space of time.
4. You come across as a very focused person and someone who doesn’t let anything distract you from your goal. Is that a fair assessment?
That is completely true in my work life…my home life not so much, and I have learnt to embrace the chaos. If only you could see what lies behind my webcam.
5. Being a proud mum of two adorable children, can you share any life hacks that make your life a little bit easier?
Philosophically, comparing yourself to anyone else is fruitless and depressing, just do what works for you. Practically, with four and two year-olds, nothing beats a professional car clean, which of course lasts about a week before my car again resembles a landfill site.
6. Is enough being done to support women at DQPro?
Absolutely, DQPro is the proof that employers can absolutely support, not just women, but all employees with inclusive, flexible working and still have a highly productive workforce. I am completely blessed to work for two directors who don’t just have flexible working as a policy but live and breathe it.
7. What goals are you currently working towards outside of work or at DQPro?
J’apprends à parler français! I would be delighted to be CEFR level A1 by the end of the year.
8. Do you listen to music while you’re working? If so, what type of music do you most like to listen to?
So, a quick check of my recently listened to playlists on Spotify reveals: 90s party, Easy 80s, and All Out 70s.
9. What do you pretend to hate but actually love? Do you have any irrational phobias?
Completely rational to me, but fish. I had an unfortunate encounter with a carp when I was about 15 – I have never thought the same about fish since!
10 . What’s a common phrase used in your family that nobody else uses?
‘Teggies’! Thanks to my mum for one of many Nottingham slang terms prevalent in my house, but not so much in south London. Cob anyone?