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Instech Podcast with DQPro

InsTech Podcast: Nick Mair on data quality and the rise of global specialty system APIs

DQPro CEO Nick Mair was recently featured on the InsTech podcast where he discussed life as co-founder of the leading London Market data quality platform for Ops and touched on developments with APIs, data and interoperability.

The InsTech podcast is an influential weekly interview hosted by Matthew Grant peeking behind the curtain of what’s going on with some of the most well known companies in insurtech. So we were honoured that Nick Mair, DQPro Co-Founder was invited back to the podcast for a second time to share more on our journey so far and the exciting opportunities ahead.

In a dynamic and engaging discussion, Nick and Matthew explored what DQPro delivers through the eyes of a typical user and how the attention on DQPro has developed over the years as data quality has become a hot topic in many boardrooms. 

Making the right decisions

Matthew asked how we make sure that we are making the right decisions when we invest in developing our product, and Nick said:

“When capital is limited you have to be very careful – it’s much more about measured risk. For us that’s about having a really tight feedback loop with our customers – we have several user groups a year, discussion forums and webinars. Our customers love the product and they’re very keen to talk to us about where it can be improved – our last release had over 20 significant  new features. It’s really rewarding to get that feedback.”

The duo also explored the potential for interoperability to improve across the global specialty marketplace thanks to increasing adoption of APIs. 

Nick said, “Everyone needs an API to play in the future market and we’re really proud of ours -DQ Pro Connect – which is a fairly recent release that’s about providing our service further upstream, further up the chain in the placement process, either at market level or at broker or MGA level.

Moving data checks further upstream

On DQPro’s own API, DQPro Connect, Nick added, “It’s about being able to call up our validation rules as a service from any third party system and delivering that value to the business user at the right point, at the right time in the risk placing process.

We’re very much moving upstream and have been delighted to work with carriers up to now and our first  MGA customers. But the closer we can get to providing people with confidence and certainty at the earliest point in the placement process, the better.”

“Data quality’s everything. It’s one of the most important meaningful things you can do to prepare for the future. If you’re still in the early stages of working out what that means then you need to talk to us. We have over 40% of the London market now who agree – that would be a great starting point.”

In conclusion Nick wrapped up the podcast by saying:

“If we’re going to join up components and improve efficiency across the market, then good, clean, trusted data flowing through the pipes is an essential, it’s not optional.”

Listen to the full Instech podcast